NGV Triennial
13 August 2024 NGV Triennial, NGV International, 3 Dec 2023 – 7 April 2024. In this installation Ezz Monem explores the tension between reverence and the profane by recontextualising references to the name ‘Mohamed’ from Egyptian and broader Middle Eastern cinema. It is part of a larger project in which Monem uses his first name ‘Mohamed’ as a starting point for extensive research. Through a meticulous process of copying, erasing and repetition, he creates a manifold portrait of the name. The accompanying sound work by Matthew Davis is composed of micro-samples extracted from the same films Monem has edited from.

Installation view of Ezz Monem’s work Mohamed Mohamed Mohamed on display as part of NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Sean Fennessy.